
ControllerRevision is an internal API used by Metacontroller to implement declarative rolling updates.

Users of Metacontroller normally shouldn't need to know about this API, but it is documented here for Metacontroller contributors, as well as for troubleshooting.

Note that this is different from the ControllerRevision in apps/v1, although it serves a similar purpose. You will likely need to use a fully-qualified resource name to inspect Metacontroller's ControllerRevisions:

kubectl get

Each ControllerRevision's name is a combination of the name and API group (excluding the version suffix) of the resource that it's a revision of, as well as a hash that is deterministic yet unique (used only for idempotent creation, not for lookup).

By default, ControllerRevisions belonging to a particular parent instance will get garbage-collected if the parent is deleted. However, it is possible to orphan ControllerRevisions during parent deletion, and then create a replacement parent to adopt them. ControllerRevisions are adopted based on the parent's label selector, the same way controllers like ReplicaSet adopt Pods.


kind: ControllerRevision
    app: nginx
    component: backend catsets
- apiGroup: ""
  kind: Pod
  - nginx-backend-0
  - nginx-backend-1
  - nginx-backend-2

Parent Patch

The parentPatch field stores a partial representation of the parent object at a given revision, containing only those fields listed by the lambda controller author as participating in rolling updates.

For example, if a CompositeController's revision history specifies a fieldPaths list of ["spec.template"], the parent patch will contain only spec.template and any subfields nested within it.

This mirrors the selective behavior of rolling updates in built-in APIs like Deployment and StatefulSet. Any fields that aren't part of the parent patch take effect immediately, rather than rolling out gradually.


The children field stores a list of child objects that "belong" to this particular revision of the parent.

This is how Metacontroller keeps track of the current desired revision of a given child. For example, if a Pod that hasn't been updated yet gets deleted by a Node drain, it should be replaced at the revision it was on before it got deleted, not at the latest revision.

When Metacontroller decides it's time to update a given child to another revision, it first records this intention by updating the relevant ControllerRevision objects. After committing these records, it then begins updating that child according to the configured child update strategy. This ensures that the intermediate progress of the rollout is persisted in the API server so it survives process restarts.

Children are grouped by API Group (excluding the version suffix) and Kind. For each Group-Kind, we store a list of object names. Note that parent and children must be in the same namespace, and ControllerRevisions for a given parent also live in that parent's namespace.