
The page describes how to build Metacontroller for yourself.

First, check out the code:

# If you're going to build locally, make sure to
# place the repo according to the Go import path:
#   $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src
git clone metacontroller
cd metacontroller

Then you can build a metacontroller binary like so:

make build

Local build and development

Check debug section

Documentation build

Documentation is generated from .md files with mdbook. To generate documentation, you need to install:

  • mdbook
  • mdbook plugins:
  • graphviz

To generate documentation

  • cd docs
  • mdbook build There will be book folder generated with html content.

You can also use mdbook serve to expose documentation on http://localhost:3000.


To run tests, first make sure you can successfully complete a local build.

Unit Tests

Unit tests in Metacontroller focus on code that does some kind of non-trival local computation without depending on calls to remote servers -- for example, the ./dynamic/apply package.

Unit tests live in _test.go files alongside the code that they test. To run only unit tests (excluding integration tests) for all Metacontroller packages, use this command:

make unit-test

Integration Tests

Integration tests in Metacontroller focus on verifying behavior at the level of calls to remote services like user-provided webhooks and the Kubernetes API server. Since Metacontroller's job is ultimately to manipulate Kubernetes API objects in response to other Kubernetes API objects, most of the important features or behaviors of Metacontroller can and should be tested at this level.

In the integration test environment, we start a standalone kube-apiserver to serve the REST APIs, and an etcd instance to back it. We do not run any kubelets (Nodes), nor any controllers other than Metacontroller. This makes it easy for tests to control exactly what API objects Metacontroller sees without interference from the normal controller for each API, and also greatly reduces the requirements to run tests.

Other than the Metacontroller codebase, all you need to run integration tests is to download a few binaries from a Kubernetes release. You can run the following script from the test/integration directory in to order to fetch the versions of these binaries currently used in continuous integration, and place them in ./hack/bin:


You can then run the integration tests with this command, which will automatically set the PATH to include ./hack/bin:

make integration-test

Unlike unit tests, integration tests do not live alongside the code they test, but instead are gathered in ./test/integration/.... This makes it easier to run them separately, since they require a special environment, and also enforces that they test packages at the level of their public interfaces.

End-to-End Tests

End-to-end tests in Metacontroller focus on verifying example workflows that we expect to be typical for end users. That is, we run the same kubectl commands that a human might run when using Metacontroller.

Since these tests verify end-to-end behavior, they require a fully-functioning Kubernetes cluster. Before running them, you should have kubectl in your PATH, and it should be configured to talk to a suitable, empty test cluster that has had the Metacontroller manifests applied.

Then you can run the end-to-end tests against your cluster with the following:

cd examples

This will run all the end-to-end tests in series, and print the location of a log file containing the output of the latest test that was run.

You can also run each test individually, which will show the output as it runs. For example:

cd examples/bluegreen

Note that currently our continuous integration only runs unit and integration tests on PRs, since those don't require a full cluster. If you have access to a suitable test cluster, you can help speed up review of your PR by running these end-to-end tests yourself to see if they catch anything.