
DecoratorController is an API provided by Metacontroller, designed to facilitate adding new behavior to existing resources. You can define rules for which resources to watch, as well as filters on labels and annotations.

This page is a detailed reference of all the features available in this API. See the Create a Controller guide for a step-by-step walkthrough.


This example DecoratorController attaches a Service for each Pod belonging to a StatefulSet, for any StatefulSet that requests this behavior through a set of annotations.

kind: DecoratorController
  name: service-per-pod
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    resource: statefulsets
      - {key: service-per-pod-label, operator: Exists}
      - {key: service-per-pod-ports, operator: Exists}
  - apiVersion: v1
    resource: services
        url: http://service-per-pod.metacontroller/sync-service-per-pod
        timeout: 10s


A DecoratorController spec has the following fields:

resourcesA list of resource rules specifying which objects to target for decoration (adding behavior).
attachmentsA list of resource rules specifying what this decorator can attach to the target resources.
resyncPeriodSecondsHow often, in seconds, you want every target object to be resynced (sent to your hook), even if no changes are detected.
hooksA set of lambda hooks for defining your controller's behavior.


Each DecoratorController can target one or more types of resources. For every object that matches one of these rules, Metacontroller will call your sync hook to ask for your desired state.

Each entry in the resources list has the following fields:

apiVersionThe API <group>/<version> of the target resource, or just <version> for core APIs. (e.g. v1, apps/v1, batch/v1)
resourceThe canonical, lowercase, plural name of the target resource. (e.g. deployments, replicasets, statefulsets)
labelSelectorAn optional label selector for narrowing down the objects to target.
annotationSelectorAn optional annotation selector for narrowing down the objects to target.

Label Selector

The labelSelector field within a resource rule has the following subfields:

matchLabelsA map of key-value pairs representing labels that must exist and have the specified values in order for an object to satisfy the selector.
matchExpressionsA list of set-based requirements on labels in order for an object to satisfy the selector.

This label selector has the same format and semantics as the selector in built-in APIs like Deployment.

If a labelSelector is specified for a given resource type, the DecoratorController will ignore any objects of that type that don't satisfy the selector.

If a resource rule has both a labelSelector and an annotationSelector, the DecoratorController will only target objects of that type that satisfy both selectors.

Annotation Selector

The annotationSelector field within a resource rule has the following subfields:

matchAnnotationsA map of key-value pairs representing annotations that must exist and have the specified values in order for an object to satisfy the selector.
matchExpressionsA list of set-based requirements on annotations in order for an object to satisfy the selector.

The annotation selector has an analogous format and semantics to the label selector (note the field name matchAnnotations rather than matchLabels).

If an annotationSelector is specified for a given resource type, the DecoratorController will ignore any objects of that type that don't satisfy the selector.

If a resource rule has both a labelSelector and an annotationSelector, the DecoratorController will only target objects of that type that satisfy both selectors.


This list should contain a rule for every type of resource your controller wants to attach to an object of one of the targeted resources.

Unlike child resources in CompositeController, attachments are not related to the target object through labels and label selectors. This allows you to attach arbitrary things (which may not have any labels) to other arbitrary things (which may not even have a selector).

Instead, attachments are only connected to the target object through owner references, meaning they will get cleaned up if the target object is deleted.

Each entry in the attachments list has the following fields:

apiVersionThe API group/version of the attached resource, or just version for core APIs. (e.g. v1, apps/v1, batch/v1)
resourceThe canonical, lowercase, plural name of the attached resource. (e.g. deployments, replicasets, statefulsets)
updateStrategyAn optional field that specifies how to update attachments when they already exist but don't match your desired state. If no update strategy is specified, attachments of that type will never be updated if they already exist.

Attachment Update Strategy

Within each rule in the attachments list, the updateStrategy field has the following subfields:

methodA string indicating the overall method that should be used for updating this type of attachment resource. The default is OnDelete, which means don't try to update attachments that already exist.

Attachment Update Methods

Within each attachment resource's updateStrategy, the method field can have these values:

OnDeleteDon't update existing attachments unless they get deleted by some other agent.
RecreateImmediately delete any attachments that differ from the desired state, and recreate them in the desired state.
InPlaceImmediately update any attachments that differ from the desired state.

Note that DecoratorController doesn't directly support rolling update of attachments because you can compose such behavior by attaching a CompositeController (or any other API that supports declarative rolling update, like Deployment or StatefulSet).

Resync Period

The resyncPeriodSeconds field in DecoratorController's spec works similarly to the same field in CompositeController.


Within the DecoratorController spec, the hooks field has the following subfields:

syncSpecifies how to call your sync hook, if any.
finalizeSpecifies how to call your finalize hook, if any.
customizeSpecifies how to call your customize hook, if any.

Each field of hooks contains subfields that specify how to invoke that hook, such as by sending a request to a webhook.

Sync Hook

The sync hook is how you specify which attachments to create/maintain for a given target object -- in other words, your desired state.

Based on the DecoratorController spec, Metacontroller gathers up all the resources you said you need to decide on the desired state, and sends you their latest observed states.

After you return your desired state, Metacontroller begins to take action to converge towards it -- creating, deleting, and updating objects as appropriate.

A simple way to think about your sync hook implementation is like a script that generates JSON to be sent to kubectl apply. However, unlike a one-off client-side generator, your script has access to the latest observed state in the cluster, and will automatically get called any time that observed state changes.

Sync Hook Request

A separate request will be sent for each target object, so your hook only needs to think about one target object at a time.

The body of the request (a POST in the case of a webhook) will be a JSON object with the following fields:

controllerThe whole DecoratorController object, like what you might get from kubectl get decoratorcontroller <name> -o json.
objectThe target object, like what you might get from kubectl get <target-resource> <target-name> -o json.
attachmentsAn associative array of attachments that already exist.
relatedAn associative array of related objects that exists, if customize hook was specified. See the customize hook
finalizingThis is always false for the sync hook. See the finalize hook for details.

Each field of the attachments object represents one of the types of attachment resources in your DecoratorController spec. The field name for each attachment type is <Kind>.<apiVersion>, where <apiVersion> could be just <version> (for a core resource) or <group>/<version>, just like you'd write in a YAML file.

For example, the field name for Pods would be Pod.v1, while the field name for StatefulSets might be StatefulSet.apps/v1.

For resources that exist in multiple versions, the apiVersion you specify in the attachment resource rule is the one you'll be sent. Metacontroller requires you to be explicit about the version you expect because it does conversion for you as needed, so your hook doesn't need to know how to convert between different versions of a given resource.

Within each attachment type (e.g. in attachments['Pod.v1']), there is another associative array that maps from the attachment's path relative to the parent to the JSON representation, like what you might get from kubectl get <attachment-resource> <attachment-name> -o json.

If the parent and attachment are of the same scope - both cluster or both namespace - then the key is only the object's If the parent is cluster scoped and the attachment is namespace scoped, then the key will be of the form {.metadata.namespace}/{}. This is to disambiguate between two attachments with the same name in different namespaces. A parent may never be namespace scoped while an attachment is cluster scoped.

For example, a Pod named my-pod in the my-namespace namespace could be accessed as follows if the parent is also in my-namespace:


Alternatively, if the parent resource is cluster scoped, the Pod could be accessed as:


Note that you will only be sent objects that are owned by the target (i.e. objects you attached), not all objects of that resource type.

There will always be an entry in attachments for every attachment resource rule, even if no attachments of that type were observed at the time of the sync. For example, if you listed Pods as an attachment resource rule, but no existing Pods have been attached, you will receive:

  "attachments": {
    "Pod.v1": {}

as opposed to:

  "attachments": {}

Related resources, represented under related field, are present in the same form as attachements, but representing resources matching customize hook response for given parent object. Those object are not managed by controller, therefore are unmodificable, but you can use them to calculate attachements. Some existing examples implementing this approach are :

  • ConfigMapPropagation - makes copy of given ConfigMap in several namespaces.
  • GlobalConfigMap - makes copy of given ConfigMap in every namespace.
  • SecretPropagation - makes copy of given Secret in reach namespace satisfying label selector.

Please note, than when related resources is updated, sync hook is triggered again (even if parent object and attachements does not change) - and you can recalculate children state according to fresh view of related objects.

Sync Hook Response

The body of your response should be a JSON object with the following fields:

labelsA map of key-value pairs for labels to set on the target object.
annotationsA map of key-value pairs for annotations to set on the target object.
statusA JSON object that will completely replace the status field within the target object. Leave unspecified or null to avoid changing status.
attachmentsA list of JSON objects representing all the desired attachments for this target object.
resyncAfterSecondsSet the delay (in seconds, as a float) before an optional, one-time, per-object resync.

By convention, the controller for a given resource should not modify its own spec, so your decorator can't mutate the target's spec.

As a result, decorators currently cannot modify the target object except to optionally set labels, annotations, and status on it. Note that if the target resource already has its own controller, that controller might ignore and overwrite any status updates you make.

The attachments field should contain a flat list of objects, not an associative array. Metacontroller groups the objects it sends you by type and name as a convenience to simplify your scripts, but it's actually redundant since each object contains its own apiVersion, kind, and

It's important to include the apiVersion and kind in objects you return, and also to ensure that you list every type of attachment resource you plan to create in the DecoratorController spec.

If the parent resource is cluster scoped and the child resource is namespaced, it's important to include the .metadata.namespace since the namespace cannot be inferred from the parent's namespace.

Any objects sent as attachments in the request that you decline to return in your response list will be deleted. However, you shouldn't directly copy attachments from the request into the response because they're in different forms.

Instead, you should think of each entry in the list of attachments as being sent to kubectl apply. That is, you should set only the fields that you care about.

You can optionally set resyncAfterSeconds to a value greater than 0 to request that the sync hook be called again with this particular parent object after some delay (specified in seconds, with decimal fractions allowed). Unlike the controller-wide resyncPeriodSeconds, this is a one-time request (not a request to start periodic resyncs), although you can always return another resyncAfterSeconds value from subsequent sync calls. Also unlike the controller-wide setting, this request only applies to the particular parent object that this sync call sent, so you can request different delays (or omit the request) depending on the state of each object.

Note that your webhook handler must return a response with a status code of 200 to be considered successful. Metacontroller will wait for a response for up to the amount defined in the Webhook spec.

Finalize Hook

If the finalize hook is defined, Metacontroller will add a finalizer to the parent object, which will prevent it from being deleted until your hook has had a chance to run and the response indicates that you're done cleaning up.

This is useful for doing ordered teardown of attachments, or for cleaning up resources you may have created in an external system. If you don't define a finalize hook, then when a parent object is deleted, the garbage collector will delete all your attachments immediately, and no hooks will be called.

In addition to finalizing when an object is deleted, Metacontroller will also call your finalize hook on objects that were previously sent to sync but now no longer match the DecoratorController's label and annotation selectors. This allows you to clean up after yourself when the object has been updated to opt out of the functionality added by your decorator, even if the object is not being deleted. If you don't define a finalize hook, then when the object opts out, any attachments you added will remain until the object is deleted, and no hooks will be called.

The semantics of the finalize hook are mostly equivalent to those of the sync hook. Metacontroller will attempt to reconcile the desired states you return in the attachments field, and will set labels and annotations as requested. The main difference is that finalize will be called instead of sync when it's time to clean up because the parent object is pending deletion.

Note that, just like sync, your finalize handler must be idempotent. Metacontroller might call your hook multiple times as the observed state changes, possibly even after you first indicate that you're done finalizing. Your handler should know how to check what still needs to be done and report success if there's nothing left to do.

Both sync and finalize have a request field called finalizing that indicates which hook was actually called. This lets you implement finalize either as a separate handler or as a check within your sync handler, depending on how much logic they share. To use the same handler for both, just define a finalize hook and set it to the same value as your sync hook.

Finalize Hook Request

The finalize hook request has all the same fields as the sync hook request, with the following changes:

finalizingThis is always true for the finalize hook. See the finalize hook for details.

If you share the same handler for both sync and finalize, you can use the finalizing field to tell whether it's time to clean up or whether it's a normal sync. If you define a separate handler just for finalize, there's no need to check the finalizing field since it will always be true.

Finalize Hook Response

The finalize hook response has all the same fields as the sync hook response, with the following additions:

finalizedA boolean indicating whether you are done finalizing.

To perform ordered teardown, you can generate attachments just like you would for sync, but omit some attachments from the desired state depending on the observed set of attachments that are left. For example, if you observe [A,B,C], generate only [A,B] as your desired state; if you observe [A,B], generate only [A]; if you observe [A], return an empty desired list [].

Once the observed state passed in with the finalize request meets all your criteria (e.g. no more attachments were observed), and you have checked all other criteria (e.g. no corresponding external resource exists), return true for the finalized field in your response.

Note that you should not return finalized: true the first time you return a desired state that you consider "final", since there's no guarantee that your desired state will be reached immediately. Instead, you should wait until the observed state matches what you want.

If the observed state passed in with the request doesn't meet your criteria, you can return a successful response (HTTP code 200) with finalized: false, and Metacontroller will call your hook again automatically if anything changes in the observed state.

If the only thing you're still waiting for is a state change in an external system, and you don't need to assert any new desired state for your children, returning success from the finalize hook may mean that Metacontroller doesn't call your hook again until the next periodic resync. To reduce the delay, you can request a one-time, per-object resync by setting resyncAfterSeconds in your hook response, giving you a chance to recheck the external state without holding up a slot in the work queue.

Customize Hook

See Customize hook spec